A Well-Covered Fashion Week

Photos: Suzy

Most spectators at China Fashion Week were not as stylish as the average shopper Sanlitun Village let alone the guests at most fashion parties hosted by foreign brands. Most days at 798 or Beijing Hotel, one could hardly spot the up-to-style bloggers, editorialistas or models with fashion accessories straight off the runway – images so familiar in Paris, New York and Milan. Only the number of media, though almost entirely local, approached international levels.

大部分来中国国际时装周的人没有一般在三里屯逛街的人穿得时尚 - 更没法跟在北京参加时尚活动的人比。这个跟纽约、巴黎和米兰的时装周完全不一样。只有媒体人的数量可以跟国外的时装周比。

There are at least as many huge DSLRs as at any show in New York or Paris.


But editors and journalists from the provinces flock to Beijing only to find the front-row seats occupied by middle-aged government officials and their grandmothers.


Nels Frye is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant and stylist, based in Beijing. Focuses are on street style, other consumer trends, and broader social issues.

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