Appallingly Busy

Upon arrival in Beijing I found a seemingly infinite number of things requiring handling. My magazine is having a big party tonight, the August issue has to be wrapped up in the next few days and I haven’t even started writing, tomorrow there’s a photo shoot for my “Stylish Traveler” column in National Geographic Traveler 《时尚旅游》, and my column for China International Business is due.


My computer’s monitor broke and my courtyard is a mess. Also, there are a complex nest of stinging personal problems in the wings. I am not the most organized person or one of those that delights in a full schedule. On the contrary, my aspiration is to become a gentleman of leisure. What has happened? I beg for patience from Stylites viewers.

我的杂志《LifeStyle》今晚要搞一个聚会,八月号似乎马上就要发行了可我还没开始写呢。明天我要给在《时尚旅游》的专栏拍照,而我给China International Business (《中国国际经贸》)写的专栏也必须马上交稿了。电脑的显示屏坏了,院子也是一团糟。还有好多理不清的私事需要处理。我绝对不是那种特有条理的人,也没法轻易在一个满得要死的时间表里找到乐趣。相反,我的愿望是成为一个与闲适为伴的绅士。到底发生什么了?亲爱的关注Stylites的大家,请耐心等我一阵吧。

Nels Frye is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant and stylist, based in Beijing. Focuses are on street style, other consumer trends, and broader social issues.

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