Home of the Free

American flag T-shirt
Photo & Text: Steven

Today commemorates the birth of the American nation and the one day set aside each year where overt displays of patriotism are not only welcomed, but encouraged. On this day the American flag T-shirt paired with cornflower blue trousers and bright white sandals—what I imagine Uncle Sam would wear on summer vacation—would not be in minority among the crowds of flag-waving parade goers.

Yet take this ensemble outside of this particular context and what’s left is an observable spectrum of fashion consciousness: from accidental hipsters wearing arbitrarily chosen outfits to the deliberate tastemakers upending fashion laws and rules. So where on the curve falls this young Chinese man?

No one can be sure. All I know is it delights me to see a pair of suspenders worn not in addition to a belt, but rather in lieu of—evidence in my eyes of a glimmering fashion consciousness.

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