Silver Beijing – 银色在流行


Metallic continues to be hot in 2008, but silver is succeeding gold. Misha is right on that trend with his puffer jacket choice. And he is also getting the casual slim tie look to a tee. Perhaps that immense belt also works well with the outfit.

2008年,金属的颜色继续在流行,但银色代替了金色的主流位置. Misha选择的羽绒服正好体现了这个趋势。 他戴的休闲窄领带也是现在的潮流。有可能那个超大的腰带也配他的衣服。


Nels Frye is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant and stylist, based in Beijing. Focuses are on street style, other consumer trends, and broader social issues.

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