
Writer Zhuang Yating praised me for having photographed all of the weirdos in Beijing. Some of the people I found at the Strawberry Festival will probably cement this impression.

作者庄庄雅婷夸我说我找到了所有北京的怪B. 这次在草莓音乐节拍的人大概会再次证明她的评价。

What does she do? 她做什么?

A Beautiful Theory

She’s a fan of The Opposite House. A Taiwanese, Polish, Irish mix born in Taipei, Jessica has lived in Germany, South Korea, England, Hong Kong, LA, Boston, and Shanghai. She first came to Shanghai in 2003 as an intern at a luxury hotel. In 2009, she became the main PR for Theory. I asked her a few questions about style and living in China.

Jessica Harkiewicz是个汉族,波兰,爱尔兰的混血。她在台北出生,在 德国,韩国,英国,香港,美国,上海都生活过。她是时尚品牌Theory在中国的公关。她2003年来到上海,现在经常来北京出差。