Hopping in兔爷来了!

The bunnies are coming! As Chinese New Year approaches, we are bound to hear more and more hopping news. For the Year of the Rabbit, Dunhill is releasing a special line of accessories. Also, perhaps not so coincidentally, Playboy, which relies heavily on licensed fashion and accessories here in Asia, will be opening its first club in Macao.风风火火的兔子要来了!兔爷也给我们带来一些很惊喜的消息!
随着兔年的临近,登喜路 (Dunhill) 特别推出2011兔年限定配饰系列,包括银质兔子袖扣、钥匙圈、吊饰与领带。兔爷总会给我们带来更多的惊喜,也许不是巧合,花花公子(Playboy)这个深受亚洲人的时装和配饰的品牌,有望一年内在澳门开张一家“兔女郎”(playboy bunny)俱乐部 ,

Nels Frye is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant and stylist, based in Beijing. Focuses are on street style, other consumer trends, and broader social issues.