On Travel Channel Tonight at 9:45

Watch the Travel Channel (旅游卫视)tonight at 9:45, Beijing time, to see a profile of me. Here is the trailer and you should be able to watch it live here, though this doesn’t seem to work on my machine.

Duan Yanling is the host of “Cheers for Creativity” (创享2018 in Chinese), a program featuring profiles of designers, editors and other creative types.





Duan Yanling is Editor-in-Chief of design magazine Case da Abitare and Atcasa.cn, an online design channel in collaboration with sina.com. She was also hosted CCTV 9 (English) program Travelogue. She graduated from Stockholm University and completed advanced study at Pace University in NYC.

段妍玲是《居Case da Abitare》和新浪ATCASA设计频道主编,旅游卫视全球创意发现节目《创意生活》的设计行策划、撰稿兼主持,原CCTV9《旅游指南》英语节目主持人。她毕业于斯德哥尔摩大学,后在纽约佩斯大学深造国际广告研究生课程。