Eagle Flies East

In early 2011, American Eagle Outfitters Inc., one of the biggest teen apparel retailers with 936 stores in the United States and Canada, will begin opening stores in China.

明年年初,深受美国青少年青睐的服装品牌American Eagle(美国鹰)要在中国首次开店了,头三家要开在香港,北京和上海。

The first three stores will be in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. American Eagle has signed an exclusive franchise agreement with Dickson Concepts, operator of over 400 stores throughout Asia, and will provide merchandising input for the new franchised stores, offering the full AE seasonal products, as well as intimates and dormwear lines. Dickson will deal with all operational functions. This is AE’s second foray into Asia; it opened stores in Dubai and Kuwait this March.

Last year GAP said it would open stores in China in 2010. Soon shopping in Beijing and San Francisco will be quite identical, though Beijing needs more hip thrift stores.

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AE在北美已有近1000家店,和GAP一样同属于很受美国青年喜爱的平价服装品牌。这次AE与迪生创建国际有限公司 (Dickson Concepts)签署了独家特许经销协议,后者在亚洲设有400多家店。这已经是AE在亚洲的二度进军了早在今年三月份AE就已在迪拜和科威特开了店。

Contribution by Yu Wu (吴俣)

Nels Frye is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant and stylist, based in Beijing. Focuses are on street style, other consumer trends, and broader social issues.