Model at Jefen by Frankie

Kaka was one of the most memorable models in the Jefen by Frankie show. She is from Brazil and has been in Beijing for three weeks. So far, she has walked on the runways of Cabeen, Jefen and a few other brands that she doesn’t remember. Beijing is a bit too cold, she says.

A Very Aspirational Shirt 非常有抱负的衬衫

This spectator at Notting Hill manages to express so many things with one shirt: taste, status, wealth, elegance…the list goes on. I am dumbstruck with admiration. He should have brought this style compatriot as his date.

这一位观看Notting Hill的观众仅仅用一件衬衫就表达了他的品位,地位,个人价值,以及对自我高雅的评判, 当然可以表达的还有很多,很多…… “惊艳”这个词可以用来形容我对这件衬衫的欣赏。 他应该带这个品牌的另一个忠实拥护者当他的晚伴。