A Very Aspirational Shirt 非常有抱负的衬衫

This spectator at Notting Hill manages to express so many things with one shirt: taste, status, wealth, elegance…the list goes on. I am dumbstruck with admiration. He should have brought this style compatriot as his date.

这一位观看Notting Hill的观众仅仅用一件衬衫就表达了他的品位,地位,个人价值,以及对自我高雅的评判, 当然可以表达的还有很多,很多…… “惊艳”这个词可以用来形容我对这件衬衫的欣赏。 他应该带这个品牌的另一个忠实拥护者当他的晚伴。

Nels Frye is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant and stylist, based in Beijing. Focuses are on street style, other consumer trends, and broader social issues.

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