Vega Wang

Photo by Teresa Yeh

Here is Vega Wang at the opening party (for media) of her first storefront/workshop in Beijing’s Jianwai Soho. Hers is one of the first freestanding boutiques opened by a local fashion designer. This womanswear shop is a must-see for visitors and locals alike as it is a rare example in Beijing of a creative, pleasant, interior design combined with a 100% locally conceived and produced brand. The workshop is on the other side of the fitting room, but the master cutter in the back room is disciplined enough not to peep in on any of the beautiful clients for whom he custom makes dresses.

Details Count for Vega

Photos by Teresa Yeh

Just count the details. Fashion designer Vega Zaishi Wang thoughtfully considers the tasteful little touches in all parts of her life including music, elixirs, and of course the cuts of the garments she creates. This 1930s radio, produced in Shanghai by a company called Panda, and the other decor in her first Jianwai Soho shop, just opening this week, are a testament to her quirky, distinctive style. The well-curated, compact space is comfortable and airy with high ceilings resulting from gutting of the second floor.

日前,毕业于伦敦中央圣马丁艺术设计学院的中国新锐独立设计师,王在实Vega Wang,在北京建外Soho,开设了第一家其自主品牌的精品店。店内的精巧设计与装潢,就像她的手工成衣一样,显现出她本人精灵古怪、独具风格的特色。当北京的众多时装店还在用古董和各种混杂不堪的装饰时,Vega却用古雅别致的装潢托显出其设计品的时尚与前卫。老式缝纫机、悬于窗上的木质品、以及排列在长凳上的各色线轴,都激发着顾客们想在这里定制服装的欲望。

On a Fixed Gear

Beijing is starting to have its share of hipsters with fixed gear bikes. This one was purchased on Wudaoying Hutong and customized by the owner.


Golden Delicious: Candy Lin

California-bred Candy Lin, designer of Candy and Caviar, dishes on the inspirations behind her newest line, and her ambitions for reaching the world through fashion design — starting with bases in L.A. and Beijing. Stylites contributors Marilyn Mai Ong (English) and Renee Liu (Chinese) wrote this profile of Candy.

加州长大的Candy Lin不加客套的与我们聊起她新一季设计的灵感,这个女孩有关用时装征服世界的梦想,开始于洛杉矶和北京这两个城市。

EQ:IQ – A Touch of Dali – Paris, and Probably Beijing

The backdrop for Hong Kong brand EQ:IQ‘s F/W 2010 RTW Show held at the possibly notorious Yan Club in 798 couldn’t help but remind me of the Mae West Lips Sofa by Salvador Dali. The lip motif also appeared in the “Bisous” lip patterned tote and evening bag and in the cardinal red of the lipstick on the models.

Yet the real inspiration for the collection was the home of Creative Director Stephanie Stindel, the City of Light. While hardly a novel place from which to draw inspiration for a fashion collection, one can never really tire of fantasizing about strolls through the Jardin du Luxembourg (or shopping sprees around Place Vendôme). Girls from grayer, murkier towns ought still to mimic Les Femmes de Paris (that was the name of collection) and this appealing array of garments might be one point to start in this pursuit.

The Furious

Having a drink, vintagy photographer Zhang Zheming is founder of his own studio, called Furious, which is engaged in design of print advertisements as well as shoots for fashion magazines. He previously worked for J. Walter Thompson, Ogilvy & Mather Advertising and other 4A advertising agencies. I chatted with him about fashion in Beijing.
