Shop: FEI Space 店铺:非空间概念店

Say “concept store” to a hip Beijinger and they will inevitably respond with “check out FEI Space”, though this 798 shop’s eclecticism and location (a refurbished factory) make it feel more like a genteel flea-market. A major draw are the ceramic designs of co-owner Lin Jing, which ranges from trouser-shaped vases to paired-down teapots. Curating fashion, Creative Director and stylist Ray P. Lee offers international favorites Bless, Henrik Vibskov, Gareth Pugh their China debut, while Zhang Da, designer of Hermès’ new Chinese label Shang Xia, puts forth his experimental Boundless line. Not confined to the current moment, the antique furniture and leather bags – goodies like bicycle satchels and chairs reupholstered in vintage curtain fabric – inject a dose of heritage nearly absent from the Beijing retail environment. FEI is the perfect space for the modern fashionista or interior decorating buff for whom cleverly retro and tastefully revolutionary can be combined to get chic. Contact Information: B-01, 798 art district, 4 Jiuxiangqiao Lu, Chaoyang district Tel: + 86 10 5978 9580

假若您向一位在京的时尚达人提及“概念店”,想必得到的回答定是“去非空间看看。”虽然这家位于798艺术区,并由废弃工厂所改造的店铺,更像齐集了各种优雅小物件的跳蚤市场。这里的一大看点是店主之一的林菁所做的陶瓷设计,从裤子形状的花瓶到配套的茶壶,尽显当代陶瓷艺术的魅力。创意总监和时尚策展人Ray P. Lee也让他青睐的众多国际品牌,有机会与中国顾客见面,例如Henrik Vibskov、Gareth Pugh等。而爱马仕旗下品牌“上下”的设计师张达,也将其品牌Boundless放置于店中售卖。如果您想再搜寻些古董物件,这里的古董家具和皮包也能满足您的需求。这些已然日益从北京普通小店中消失的,极具传统文化气息的物件,无疑将是复古达人们的心头之好。

Nels Frye is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant and stylist, based in Beijing. Focuses are on street style, other consumer trends, and broader social issues.

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