Not in Burberry没有穿Burberry

Photos and Text:Suzy

I know there has been quite a lot here about Burberry, but it was the biggest event in the brand’s longish history and we had two people from Stylites taking photos. The FT has a nice sum-up. Burberry brought Keane, Prada brought the Petshop Boys a couple months ago. Next, I hope some fashion brand will fly David Bowie out. He is rather more important for fashion.

Anyway, let’s see who wasn’t wearing Burberry. Above is GQ Fashion Editor Fashion Editor Dan Cui a high-collared shirt and a dotted Dior Homme jacket.

Photographer Sunny chose a “replica” Hermès scarf. Her main purpose in coming to the event was seeing her favourite singer, Hong Kong star Eason Chan. I wasn’t able to determine how many replicas of Burberry items there were at the event.


Who would have guessed that polka dots work so well at an plaid-pattern infused event? Both the combo of colors and the cream coloured turban made this look eye-catching in a room full of preeners.

Beijing TV’s Katie Leung sparkeled up the grey carpet in a glittery cardigan and necklace she recently purchased on Taobao, China’s favourite shopping website and a great place for bargains and replicas.

Trenchcoats and studded leather were going strong at this event, but entertainment executive Eslon Guo (on the left) sported an item from Shanghai Tang.

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