The Future Global Cognitive Elite?

Elizabeth Ho is the single person of 100% Chinese extraction in the “It’s My Time photoshoot, currently occuring in the Meatpacking District.

Here she is being interviewed by May Chang, Senior Editor of the Chinese edition of Milk Magazine. May is a Hong Kong girl based in Beijing. The other member of the Chinese media at the “It’s My Time” event was Quentin Li, Fashion Director at Elle. And then there was me.

Two Nights in the Meatpacking

Springtime downtown is heartbreaking – the incomparable light, the adorable architecture, and everyone so attractive and determined. It’s another whirlwind tour through Manhattan, this time to attend the shooting of “It’s My Time”. Lodging is in the Standard, cocktails with the 20 finalists are in the Boom Boom Room and the photo shoot by Josh Olins is at Superstudios. I am eager to experience life in the Meatpacking District.

Kevin Tallon from Robe di Kappa

Off the normal fashion week schedule was the Robe Di Kappa show. Kevin Tallon from St Martin’s Design Laboratory of London headed the team that created one of the strongest collections of the week from the perspectives of theme consistency, innovation in fabrication and cut, and integrity of design.

Robe Di Kappa 这次时装秀的时间和不在正常的时装周日程上。由Kevin Tallon率领的伦敦圣马丁设计工作室带来的设计是这一周表现力最强的设计之一,主题一致,裁剪和制作上极富创意,设计简洁连贯。

Vega Wang at 建外 Soho

After graduating from Central Saint Martins in ’08, Northeastern girl Vega Zaishi Wang is now in Beijing with her own label. Stylites intern Yu Wu interviewed Vega.

从东北来的VEGA ZAISHI WANG在伦敦学了7年服装设计。原来她想呆在英国但后来,因为想家人,就回到了这里发展。她去年在见外SOHO开了工作室。Stylites采访了她。

Shanghairen Near Nanluoguxiang

Visiting from Shanghai, Esta works in event planning and most enjoys shopping at fabric markets.


Fashion Historian on Gulou

Buyun says that morning she just threw on her few remaining clean clothes, so it was a bit of a shock to be included in a style blog. Born in Fujian, she has lived in NYC since the age of three, growing up on Roosevelt Island of all places. This little strip in the East River was originally intended as a kind of utopian community where all the classes would mix freely, but the end result was somewhat dystopian. Apparently, the youth of Roosevelt Island get pregnant earlier, use illegal substance in greater quantities, and generally become life-long hooligans if they don’t escape to Manhattan. Buyun made it to the larger island and is now getting her PHD at a famous school there. Her focus is Chinese fashion history, particularly the Tang. We might include some her findings on Stylites in the future.

陈步云在福建出生,纽约的羅斯福島长大。她在纽约读博士生,现在来了北京做研究。她写的论文关于服装历史,尤其唐朝。她说“自己没有一个特定的穿衣风格,但我一般会把经典的单品和古董衣混搭起来,再配上 结构化的外套或配师。” 她平时喜欢在北京的鼓楼和纽约的 Nolita逛街。

Li Xiaofeng

Not exactly a newsflash for Beijingers or art afficionados, but here is a post I did on the Benetton “It’s My Tme” blog regarding the porcelain fashion art created by Li Xiaofeng.