At Dashilar

Photos: Suzy

Dashilar has been an important place at several points in Beijing’s history. For most of the last decade, it has been mainly a tourist mecca with few redeeming qualities beyond the historic architecture and degree of density and walkability rarely found in Chinese cities. Now, Beijing Design Week is giving the area a new chance to be a bit more interesting. The weeklong-event has two major venues, the 751 former industrial complex near the art district at 798 and the alleyways around the Western end of Dashilar. Dashilar is by far the less predictable location. Former shops, small factories, workshops and other, now often charmingly dilapidated, are being used for a wide range of installations, exhibits and pop-up shops.


Above is one of the guests at the opening party for Dashilar, who appeared in Styliteshere.


Lucy, who works with the British Council, looks lovely in the light outside the main factory venue of the event.

Charlotte Chen from Hong Kong is a financier and fashionista in Beijing to learn more about the Mainland.

This look somehow seems to be the most appropriate for Dashilar – perhaps it is the color scheme or nubbiness of the fabric.


And this young lady stands next to a typical Dashilar wall and what must be one of the installations.


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