Appallingly Busy

Upon arrival in Beijing I found a seemingly infinite number of things requiring handling. My magazine is having a big party tonight, the August issue has to be wrapped up in the next few days and I haven’t even started writing, tomorrow there’s a photo shoot for my “Stylish Traveler” column in National Geographic Traveler 《时尚旅游》, and my column for China International Business is due.


Back in Beijing

I have just arrived and am trying to get adjusted to the time difference, extreme humidity, and smog. It is nice to return to return to my little courtyard though. Jeffrey Ying just got in and is crashing on my couch for the moment.

After Panel in Berlin

It turns out that Nicole Chen, founder of NC STYLE, was in Berlin at the same time as me. I asked if she was interested in participating in the panel on Western designers organized by ESMOD and – despite the short notice – she graciously agreed. NC STYLE advises on China market entry for foreign fashion labels. They represent a range of fashion forward brands, including Y-3.

More on the panel in the next post, which I will write upon arrival in Beijing. Right now I am racing to catch my flight out of Paris.

NC.STYLE 是中国第一家为国外品牌进入中国市场提供建议的时尚顾问公司。

Regular Updates Again Soon

Regular updates of Stylites will return on Monday when I get back to Beijing. The trip to Europe has been a wonderful breath of fresh air and a break from the intense heat of China. My working schedule has been less regular than it is when I am in Beijing though. Keep checking back.

Panel Discussion in Berlin

I just arrived in green Berlin and have already rented a bike and seen more of the city in one day than I did on all previous trips combined. On Wednesday (July 7) I will be talking about blogging in China and opportunities for young European designers there, as part of a panel discussion called “CHINA – A Chance for Young European Designers”. ESMOD Deutschland is the organizer of this discussion.

Other participants include Nancy Koh, CEO of Hempel Group China; Oliver Schütt, TMS Fashion LTd., Beijing; Marios Schwab, designer for “Marios” London and Creative Director for Halston New York; and David Ubl, Art Director Royal Elastics, Beijing, China. The venue is HKW on John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, Berlin, and the time is 2 pm.